About Us
We have the professional license defense experience you need right now. You will come to know us as a client focused, results oriented, caring law firm. We stand by each of our clients every step of the way, start to finish.
Why Choose Us?
We believe that trust, integrity, and truth are essential to establishing high quality attorney-client relationships. Because we care deeply about our clients and their futures, we lay out the truth. No schmoozing. No sugar-coating. Just good old fashioned honesty. As a licensed professional, you need to know precisely where you stand right now. At the initial consultation, the attorney will explain your options and discuss what can be done to obtain the best possible results in your case.
Choosing your legal representative is a pivotal decision. Your career and financial security may depend on it. We can help, but only if you’re willing to take the first step in helping yourself. Call 602-562-5000 today to schedule an initial consultation with a professional license defense attorney. We offer in-person, video, and telephone conferencing options.
We Guide You Through Each Challenge
Are you a licensed practitioner in health care, engineering, accountancy, finance, law, real estate, insurance, or operate a day care facility? We represent hard-working career-minded people just like you. Our clients are the professional licensees who help make Arizona a great place to live, work, and raise a family. We are confident we can help you, too.
The legal strategies we employ to protect your license will also preserve the professional goodwill you’ve developed over the years. We will do everything in our power to defend your right and ability to practice in Arizona against a complaint at the administrative level and in court if necessary.
Has the governing board notified you of a complaint?
Hire an attorney long before the board threatens to suspend your license or shut you down. You must present an effective defense against the allegations complained of. Doing so is far more strategic than simply offering up an excuse or justification or trying to explain “what really happened.” Whether the outcome of administrative proceedings is successful or not can turn on the strengths and abilities of the legal defense team you choose.
Let us shoulder the burden for you.
All aspects of your licensure may be scrutinized by the board – your practice history, your professional integrity, your competency, your actions or omissions, your mistakes. We take pride in providing outstanding representation throughout the entire administrative process – through notice of complaint, investigation, hearing, settlement conference, final determination, sanction or punishment, and reinstatement.
When Everything Is on the Line
While the applicable law, professional ethics, scope of practice, continuing education, and licensing requirements are the same for every licensee in your practice area, your case is unique. We are talking about your clients or patients, your circumstances, the community you serve, the problems and challenges you deal with.
Whatever strategy we agree to employ in your case, our focus will be on obtaining an outcome that allows you to continue practicing at the highest level possible. That is what we want for you as a client.
License Defense Experience in Administrative Proceedings
What can you expect at the initial consultation?
First, the scope of our representation will depend upon the regulatory board governing your specific licensure. Among health care professionals, for instance, there are key differences between Arizona Medical Board proceedings over doctors and Arizona State Nursing Board proceedings over nurses. Likewise, daycare providers are held to entirely different standards than insurance brokers.
Second, the stage or timing at which you first consult an attorney with Arizona Law Group will clarify the urgency of your situation, any immediate issues that need addressing, and the next steps required.
At the first hint of trouble involving your licensure, we strongly recommend consulting an attorney. Has your license been cancelled, relinquished, revoked, or expired? We can assist you in seeking reinstatement as well.
What not to do?
Too many professionals attempt to represent themselves in these proceedings with potentially disastrous, permanent consequences. You’ve been trained to deal with difficult circumstances. You’re accustomed to taking control in certain situations. But this is not the time for self-assuredness outside your area of expertise. (Yes, a lawyer under professional scrutiny should hire an attorney, too.)
Naturally, you want to believe the board or regulatory body is on your side and will help you get through this. But the board is not your ally and will not defend you. Any complaint, anything that turns up in an investigation, any disclosure you were required to make but didn’t, must be met with the strongest possible case and relevant evidence. At the initial consultation, the attorney will discuss how best to proceed with your defense.
Is the licensing board one part of a bigger crisis?
Has a genuine misunderstanding between you and your patient exploded into a legal nightmare? Has a civil lawsuit been filed against you? Are you under criminal investigation? Professional license defense attorneys Scott David Stewart and Colin Bell, both former prosecutors, also represent clients in criminal matters. There are no allegations or proceedings or Arizona courtrooms in which they will not defend their clients under applicable law.
State Boards with Authority to Sanction Professional Licensees
- Accountants and CPAs before the Arizona State Board of Accountancy;
- Engineers before the Board of Technical Registration;
- Daycare Providers before the DHS Bureau of Child Care Licensing;
- Real Estate Brokers and Agents before the Department of Real Estate; and
- Insurance Brokers, Agents, and Appraisers before the Department of Insurance and Financial Institutions.
- Dentists before the Arizona State Board of Dental Examiners;
- Medical Doctors before the Arizona Medical Board;
- Physician Assistants before the Regulatory Board of Physician Assistants;
- Nurses before the Nursing Board;
- Physical Therapists before the Board of Physical Therapy;
- Respiratory Care Practitioners before the Board of Respiratory Care Examiners; and
- Pharmacists before the Board of Pharmacy.

Consult an experienced professional license defense attorney with the Arizona Law Group. Put your trust in our team of dedicated advocates for defendants’ rights.