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Afraid of losing your license in Arizona?

Protecting Your Nursing License During an Investigation

Nurses are critical to patient care, working endless hours and meeting demanding schedules. A nursing license creates economic opportunities for gainful employment. Having a license threatened by an investigation can result from actions not directly related to a nurse’s ability to perform their job.

Remaining diligent and taking additional precautions are essential during a nursing license investigation in Arizona. You work hard to meet the demands of your job. Protecting your license is imperative, and missteps can damage a career.

Notify the Insurance Provider and Secure Legal Help Immediately

Anyone can file a complaint against a nurse, and The Arizona State Board of Nursing investigates most cases, so never assume an investigation is not serious. Notifying the provider of your malpractice insurance immediately and retaining a professional Arizona license defense attorney is a primary source of protection. Nurses can continue to work while an investigation takes place, but focusing on meeting the requirements of the Nursing Board during the inquiry and navigating the emotional stress can be overwhelming while working and taking care of everyday life. 

Keep up With Daily and Professional Requirements

Continue to follow the job requirements, ensuring that communication with patients and coworkers is clear, documentation is in order, and your particular job stressors are managed appropriately. Allegations of substance abuse leading to unprofessional behavior are the subject of licensing investigations and can further damage a nurse’s ability to retain a license.

Complete any continuing education requirements that are due during this timeframe, understanding that a failure to meet professional requirements will be noted and can create additional warning flags.

Keep Organized Records

Organized, detailed patient records should contain explicit notes of interactions with each patient about their treatment plan. But this will also serve to document the competency of a nurse. Additionally, retain performance appraisals, letters expressing gratitude from patients and their families, certificates of accomplishment, and any documentation that speaks to your professionalism and service.

Steer Clear of Social Media

As previously mentioned, questionable behavior unrelated to a nurse’s ability to perform their job can produce unwanted consequences. Social media has provided the ability to keep in touch with friends and family instantly, but stepping outside the professional bounds to create relationships with patients is not recommended. Venting about patients, making disparaging remarks, and posting pictures of patients are unacceptable professional behaviors.

Posts and pictures unrelated to the job or patients that display drug and alcohol use can be viewed negatively by The Board. The most private social media settings open a person’s actions and comments to scrutiny. Ask friends, family, and acquaintances to limit or refrain from photo tagging and posts including you that can be harmful to your career as a nurse. 

Review the NPA

Everyone gets comfortable in their jobs, often relaxing in their duties or forgetting some basic requirements. Review the Arizona Nurse Practice Act to ensure your work and personal standards align with The Board’s requirements. When doing so, it may be possible to identify current behaviors that are potential downfalls that can damage a nursing career in Arizona.

Protecting Your Arizona Nursing License

Obtaining a nursing license through years of education and retaining it is every nurse’s goal. You’ve worked hard to establish a professional career, and protecting it should be a priority at any time, especially during an investigation. Begin with a free consultation and let a Arizona Law Group Arizona nursing license defense attorney help you protect your nursing license in Arizona.