Arizona nurses have worked hard to secure their nursing licenses. It takes hard work and dedication and can open doors to exciting careers. The prospect of losing your nursing license, after working diligently to gain it, can ruin your career and have a negative impact on your personal life as well.
In Arizona, there are several reasons that nursing licenses can be suspended or revoked. In this blog post, we will discuss common reasons for losing a nursing license and when you should contact an attorney.
Substance Abuse Issues
Probably the most common reason that nursing licenses are revoked in Arizona is because of substance abuse. By abusing drugs or alcohol, nurses put themselves and their patients at serious risk. Nurses who are suspected of abusing drugs or alcohol may be investigated. If they are convicted, they will be subject to having their licenses revoked.
Malpractice of Negligence May Lead to Lost Nursing License
Nurses face weight responsibilities. The health and safety of their patients are in their hands. If they act negligently or a malpractice event occurs because the nurse failed to administer proper care, the nurse can be held found guilty of malpractice or negligence.
Negligence or malpractice may occur in a number of ways, some of which are listed below:
- Failure to properly monitor patients, including vital signs or their overall health
- Errors in administering medication
- Neglecting to follow medical orders concerning a patient
- Improper or inaccurate assessment of patients or failure to report changes to their doctors and medical providers
- Using faulty medical equipment when the nurse was responsible for ensuring the equipment was maintained and worked as expected
- Failure to uphold infection protocols, which can cause a spread of infections throughout a facility
- Neglecting a patient’s basic needs
A nurse found in violation of these may have their license taken away.
Criminal Convictions
Nurses who are convicted criminals may have their nursing licenses suspended or revoked. These convictions could be for driving under the influence (DUI), shoplifting, to assault. Nurses may have their licenses suspended over any criminal conduct.
Fraudulent Conduct
If a nurse is caught committing fraud and is convicted, they may have their nursing license revoked or suspended. It can also lead to hefty fines and imprisonment. This type of activity can happen in a number of ways, some of which are listed below:
- Billing issues, such as double billing or submitting claims more than once to insurance companies
- Prescription drug fraud, such as diverting drugs so they can take or sell them themselves
- Identity theft, which could occur if a nurse steals personal information to open credit cards in the name of a patient
- Falsifying documents about the patient’s care
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many other examples of nurses participating in fraudulent behavior. If convicted, a nurse would lose their license to practice.
When to Speak with a Lawyer
When facing disciplinary action that could jeopardize your nursing license, it is imperative that you pursue guidance from an attorney with experience defending nursing licenses. Attorneys like these will review your case and outline your options and responsibilities. Here are situations when it is in your best interest to seek legal counsel:
- You have been notified by the Arizona Board of Nursing that your license is under investigation.
- You face accusations of substance abuse, negligence, criminal activity, malpractice, or fraudulent conduct.
- You have received notification that your license is being suspended or revoked.
There are differences between a nursing license being suspended and being revoked. Suspension is a temporary loss of a nursing license. This can be for a designated period, and when that time is up, the individual is free to apply for their license. Suspension may happen due to lesser offenses.
Revocation is a permanent loss of a nursing license. It generally happens when more severe offenses have occurred. These could be due to repeated instances of neglect or malpractice. If a nurse’s license is revoked, their nursing career is at an end since they are not allowed to reapply.
Contact an Arizona Nursing License Attorney
In Arizona, losing a nursing license can end a nurse’s career and can have a serious impact on the nurse’s personal life as well. It is critical to be knowledgeable about the ways a license can be lost and what could be done to defend against this loss.
Contact an Arizona nursing license defense lawyer at Arizona Law Group for guidance if you are facing a possible license suspension or revocation. Their history of defending licenses successfully can make a true difference in your case.